


Working smarter by avoiding unnecessary duplication of cost and resource is a key objective of the Sustainable Leather Foundation. Therefore, should a company already hold an equivalent certification from another organisation or standard provider, it can be recognised within the SLF Transparency Dashboard™ for transparent reporting and recognition.

Working smarter by avoiding unnecessary duplication of cost and resource is a key objective of the Sustainable Leather Foundation. Therefore, should a company already hold an equivalent certification from another organisation or standard provider, it can be recognised within the SLF Transparency Dashboard™ for transparent reporting and recognition.

Comprehensive sustainability metrics will be assessed and measured, either directly through the SLF Audit Standard, or by a combination of existing certifications that offer equivalency to the overarching industry and legislative requirements, encompassing:

Comprehensive sustainability metrics will be assessed and measured, either directly through the SLF Audit Standard, or by a combination of existing certifications that offer equivalency to the overarching industry and legislative requirements, encompassing:


Permits, Licenses, Statutory

Permits, Licenses, Statutory

Permits, Licenses, Statutory

Environmental Management Systems

Age of Workers

Ethical Business Practice

Environmental Health & Safety

Compulsory Labour

Animal Welfare Practice

Environmental Footprint


Traceability & Procurement

Land Use

Corporate Social Responsibility


Energy Consumption

Staff Development & Representation

Best Available Techniques

Water Use

Wages & Benefits

Process Control & Quality

Raw Materials & Chemicals

Worker Health & Safety

Chemical Control

Machinery & Equipment

Working Hours

Restricted Substances

Air Emissions

Occupational Health & Safety

Effluent Treatment

PR & Communication

Soil Contamination

Solid Waste


Permits, Licenses, Statutory

Environmental Management Systems

Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Footprint

Land Use

Energy Consumption

Water Use

Raw Materials & Chemicals

Air Emissions

Effluent Treatment

Soil Contamination

Environmental Health & Safety

Solid Waste


Permits, Licenses, Statutory

Age of Workers

Compulsory Labour


Corporate Social Responsibility

Staff Development & Representation

Wages & Benefits

Worker Health & Safety

Working Hours


Permits, Licenses, Statutory

Ethical Business Practice

Animal Welfare Practice

Traceability & Procurement


Best Available Techniques

Process Control & Quality

Chemical Control

Restricted Substances

Occupational Health & Safety

PR & Communication

Accessibility is another key objective of SLF and to ensure this, leather manufacturers and associated facilities will not be excluded from partnership on the basis of non-conformance or non-certification in one or more areas. Instead, partnership will enable companies to demonstrate what they can comply with and where their outstanding areas of concern or improvement are, in order to give a fully transparent mechanism that supports continued improvement across the three pillars of sustainability.

Accessibility is another key objective of SLF and to ensure this, leather manufacturers and associated facilities will not be excluded from partnership on the basis of non-conformance or non-certification in one or more areas. Instead, partnership will enable companies to demonstrate what they can comply with and where their outstanding areas of concern or improvement are, in order to give a fully transparent mechanism that supports continued improvement across the three pillars of sustainability.

To find out more get in touch and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Our Services

Transparency Dashboard™

Audit Certification

Guidance and Support

Dynamic Profiles, QR Technology and Information

Whole Value Chain Connectivity