Guidance and Support



Supporting the success of the leather industry

Supporting the success of the leather industry

The Sustainable Leather Foundation provides the structure and support to enable leather value chain companies to work on the reduction and improvement criteria necessary to be successful.

At the heart of the Foundation is the SLF Transparency Dashboard™, linked to
a certification standard that assesses new, or recognises existing, conformance and
performance of leather manufacturers and associated facilities against the three pillars of sustainability, Environment, Social, Governance.

SLF provides personalised guided support and the provision of a Technical Library and Toolbox that includes:

  • Standards and Benchmarks
  • Explanatory Notes
  • Templates
  • Pathway Papers
  • Spreadsheet based system to prepare for audit
  • Information Bulletins
  • Branding and Communication
  • Claims Framework

The Sustainable Leather Foundation provides the structure and support to enable leather value chain companies to work on the reduction and improvement criteria necessary to be successful.

At the heart of the Foundation is the SLF Transparency Dashboard™, linked to
a certification standard that assesses new, or recognises existing, conformance and
performance of leather manufacturers and associated facilities against the three pillars of sustainability, Environment, Social, Governance.

SLF provides personalised guided support and the provision of a Technical Library and Toolbox that includes:

  • Standards and Benchmarks
  • Explanatory Notes
  • Templates
  • Pathway Papers
  • Spreadsheet based system to prepare for audit
  • Information Bulletins
  • Branding and Communication
  • Claims Framework

Photo courtesy of Pangea

Training Workshops

Sustainable Leather Foundation is committed to providing access to training and information that supports best practice for the leather value chain.

Our own training workshops are designed to provide a solid understanding of key areas including the core principles of ESG and Sustainability, with a focus on leather as a material; business process analysis for developing strategy; establishing a corporate sourcing strategy; understanding existing and incoming legislation and regulation; understanding the SLF approach and system and more.

Click below for our current course offerings. 

Training Resources

Sustainable Leather Foundation is committed to providing access to training and information that supports best practice for the leather value chain.

In addition to our own training materials in our Partner Resources area, we work and collaborate with external organisations and individuals, to provide access to a number of value-added resources for the leather community.  

UNIDO: Leather Panel

UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.

Making Leather – An Overview Of Manufacture

In association with IULTCS, SLTC and UNIDO, leather industry expert Richard Daniels has released an extensive guide to leather manufacturing which is entirely free to access.

UNIDO: Leather Panel

UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.

Making Leather – An Overview Of Manufacture

In association with IULTCS, SLTC and UNIDO, leather industry expert Richard Daniels has released an extensive guide to leather manufacturing which is entirely free to access.

Responsible Chemistry

At the Sustainable Leather Foundation chemicals are considered under all three domains of ESG sustainability. The planet and people are the most affected by irresponsible chemistry, but the wastage and management of chemistry is also important.

Our industry relies on the safe use of a number of chemicals in order to produce leather that consumers can wear, use, sit on or be protected by without harm.  Research, development and innovation is a constant high priority function within chemical companies who are seeking new solutions, replacements for chemicals that may cause harm, technologies that reduce the amount of chemicals used and more efficient ways of treating excess chemistry that remains in the process effluent.  

The Foundation works collaboratively with chemical suppliers, health and safety organisations, other certification bodies, value chain facilities, and consumers to ensure that due diligence is being done regarding chemistry.

A collaborative approach to creating a Sustainability Agenda is the priority. Together with our value chain partners, the Foundation is working to spearhead chemical innovation and good practice.

We Live In A Chemical Universe

All matter (material) in the universe is made from chemicals, natural and other, we cannot escape them. A term often used is “chemical-free” which should really read “harmful chemical-free”, because the safe chemical ingredients in food, like protein should clearly not be removed. Terminology difficulties, like the one just mentioned, and trying to get to the bottom of what level of chemical makes something harmful is the core of what SLF aims to achieve with its partners.


Also referred to as “Forever Chemicals” PFAS (per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) are a group of synthetic chemicals that do not easily degrade, hence the term.  

Legislation is now coming into force to ban the use of this chemical class from 2027 and SLF is encouraging the leather industry to begin to be recognised for the removal of PFAS from leather production right now.  We know that there are viable and cost effective alternatives to PFAS for our industry so here we have the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to more environmentally friendly and sustainable chemistry – before we are put into the “only stopped using them because we were forced to” position.

Let’s collectively drive forward the elimination of these chemicals from our supply chains now.  

We invite all stakeholders, but especially our chemical company colleagues to join our Responsible Chemistry Charter and Pledge!

To find out more get in touch and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Our Services

Transparency Dashboard™

Audit Certification


Dynamic Profiles, QR Technology and Information

Whole Value Chain Connectivity