On Tuesday 8th November, our Managing Director, Deborah, spent the afternoon visiting Mulberry’s production facility in Somerset, England.

Following a really insightful tour around the production floor, discussions were held to kick-start the development of a consumer communication mechanism, looking at what consumers really want to know and how SLF can support brands and retailers like Mulberry to substantiate and validate that communication.

Rosie Wollacott Phillips, Head of Sustainability for Mulberry sits on the Advisory Board of SLF and is working both internally at Mulberry and with us at the Foundation to develop a clear mechanism for consumer communication that will add value and benefit not just to the end consumers of luxury goods, but also for upholstery, automotive and other applications.

Following the visit, Deborah said “Seeing the facility today has really highlighted the craftmanship and skill of the technicians working at Mulberry.  Watching the iconic Bayswater bag coming to life from the leather roll to the finished product was testament to Mulberry’s commitment to good ESG with thought and due diligence applied to every step of the process.

Of particular note was the Lifetime Service Centre where well-loved bags, briefcases and luggage are sent by customers for repair and refurbishment.  Whether it is a small repair or a full restoration and colour change, the team showed their mastery and love of their craft.  With a range of pricing depending on the work needed, this is a service that really fits the “love longer” proposition that leather can provide.  I’ll be sending a couple of my own bags in for some repair work!”

We will be bringing more news about the Consumer Communication and Brand Profile development work soon but if you are a brand or retailer and would like to be involved please reach out to info@sustainableleatherfoundation.com for more details.