Sustainable Leather Foundation awarded contract from Joint Action SIPS to support improvement and development in the SADC region.

Sustainable Leather Foundation (SLF) today announced the successful completion of a tender process with the Joint Action Support towards Industrialization and the Productive Sectors in the SADC region (SIPS) project to support sustainable and environmental compliance for the leather value chain in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The Joint Action SIPS is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and managed by the SADC Secretariat.

Real Leather Stay Different International Student Design Competition 2023 now open!

Annual competition launches with future-first, slow fashion message – showcasing the next generation of global design talent that champions ‘slow fashion’ through use of long-lasting natural leather products.   After a record-breaking 2022 with entries from more than 40 countries, the competition that invites designers to ‘think natural’ and challenge the fast fashion cycle […]

SLF, LWG and ICEC sign at Lineapelle the Terms of Reference of the COTANCE initiative of alignment of Leather Traceability Schemes

The COTANCE initiative on alignment of Leather Traceability Schemes was launched at the last Lineapelle Fair, back in September 2022. Since then, it has progressed in monthly meetings in which the main leather-relevant certification scheme owners and interested CEN TC 289 Standardisation experts have prepared together with the COTANCE Secretariat the way for defining the […]

Assomac and SLF sign MOU to officially launch their collaboration on Machinery & Technical Transparency Dashboard

On Wednesday 22nd February during Lineapelle, Milano, Assomac and Sustainable Leather Foundation (SLF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to officially launch their collaboration on a number of key areas of development. Deborah Taylor, Managing Director of SLF, commented “As we embark on the development of our Machinery & Technical Transparency Dashboard, it is important that […]

Critical Technologies for Sustainable Vehicle Production Conference 2023 hosted by ITB Group – February 15th and 16th 2023

On the 16th of February, our Technical Director, Katie Kutskill, will be speaking at 1:30pm EST on: ‘Strategic Use of LCA’s – A Comparative Review of Leather and Alternatives.’ Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs) provide a tangible context and a definable output, supporting the industry on sustainable decision-making globally. However, these practical applications largely miss the […]

SLF Regional Meeting – Chennai, India – Thursday 2nd February 2023

SLF are delighted to have the opportunity to host our first regional meeting in India and look forward to meeting new and old colleagues in person. Join us to learn about our work at Sustainable Leather Foundation and how we have developed a fully rounded support platform that is fit for the sustainable future of […]

The Uzbekistan Leather Association – Uzcharmsanoat joins SLF as a Contributing Partner!

We are delighted to confirm that the Uzbekistan Leather Association – Uzcharmsanoat has become an Contributing Association Partner of the Foundation. This follows several visits and meetings in Uzbekistan, with a formal Memorandum of Understanding being signed in October, to establish a programme of support for the Uzbekistan leather industry. We are very much looking […]

New online UNIDO course: “Introduction to treatment of tannery effluents”

“Introduction to treatment of tannery effluents” UNIDO online course launched. Course “Introduction to treatment of tannery effluents” has been developed with industry leading practioners and trainers with the purpose to help students, tannery mangers and technicians to become acquainted with basic principles and methods of tannery effluent. The Course was prepared based on demand from industry […]

Sustainable Leather Foundation visits UzCharmExpo in Uzbekistan and signs MOU with Uzcharmsanoat, continuing to extend its support to the global leather industry

Earlier this year, during a visit to Uzbekistan as part of the UNECE Project Team for Traceability and Transparency for Sustainable Value Chains, our Managing Director, Deborah Taylor, had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Leather Association of Uzbekistan, Uzcharmsanoat.  As a result of that first meeting, we were invited to return to […]