The Darmstadt University has launched its More Sustainable Leather Products Design Competition! 

The competition is open to anyone interested or involved in designing and developing leather products. This includes – but is not limited to – professional and early career designers, design agencies, students of design and related disciplines, leather brands and start-ups. The participant(s) or the participating team take full responsibility that they submit original creations only.

All participants are asked to create a design concept for a leather product based on the Leather Product Design Canvas for Sustainable Development“ by using the poster template provided.

Leather is an ancient material features characteristics and properties that in many cases relate to sustainability by default (e.g. durability, reparability and aesthetically pleasing ageing).

At the same time, in contrast, increasing functional and aesthetic demands lead to problematic conditions regarding, for instance, the leather chemistry. This is even amplified by highly complex and non-transparent supply chains.

In many cases, the design of leather products foster these conditions. It may create unwanted incentives for manufacturers to use harmful substances. Due to the use of less sustainable or appropriate materials and construction techniques, these products last only for a short while. They are difficult to be reused, repaired or even recycled and eventually end up in landfills.  

This is why Darmstadt University have created an open-access design-canvas and related design guidelines that comprise a range of aspects to help create more sustainable leather products.

They are looking for creative minds (individuals or groups) to utilise these tools to design the most sustainable leather product.

Besides the opportunity to develop your product alongside industry and academic experts, you will be offered a unique mentoring programme to enhance your skills in product design, leather, sustainable and business development.

For more information about the competition send a mail to

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