Our Partners

Licensed Partners

Licensed Partners

Our licensed partners are our brands, retailers and OEMs.  These are the organisations who have the direct relationship to the consumer and are responsible for selling the products that are manufactured.  It is important that our licensed partners are supported to enable accurate and factual information about the sustainability aspects of products to be communicated to consumers.  It is equally important that our licensed partners work with their suppliers in the value chain to provide the right conditions for sustainable production and consumption that respect not just current needs but also the needs of future generations.

Our licensed partners are our brands, retailers and OEMs.  These are the organisations who have the direct relationship to the consumer and are responsible for selling the products that are manufactured.  It is important that our licensed partners are supported to enable accurate and factual information about the sustainability aspects of products to be communicated to consumers.  It is equally important that our licensed partners work with their suppliers in the value chain to provide the right conditions for sustainable production and consumption that respect not just current needs but also the needs of future generations.

Compliance Partners

Compliance Partners

Our compliance partners are organisations who have a direct impact on the manufacture of leather and leather products – our tanneries, sub-contractors and  traders.  In the future we will include farmers, meatpackers, chemical companies, machinery companies and product manufacturers with dedicated compliance dashboards for the different sectors.

Our compliance partners are organisations who have a direct impact on the manufacture of leather and leather products – our tanneries, sub-contractors and  traders.  In the future we will include farmers, meatpackers, chemical companies, machinery companies and product manufacturers with dedicated compliance dashboards for the different sectors.



Product Manufacturers

Product Manufacturers

Our product manufacturers are organisations who have a direct input into the manufacture of leather products. These companies take the processed materials and turn them into products for brands and companies to sell. 

Our product manufacturers are organisations who have a direct input into the manufacture of leather products. These companies take the processed materials and turn them into products for brands and companies to sell. 

Chemical Companies

Chemical Companies

Our Chemical Company partners provide a range of chemical products that are used in the manufacturing of leather. Chemical companies work closely with tanneries to develop and provide customized chemical formulations to meet specific manufacturing needs. In addition to supplying chemicals, the company may also provide technical support, training, and other services to help tanneries improve their production processes and achieve better quality and more sustainable outcomes. 

Our Chemical Company partners provide a range of chemical products that are used in the manufacturing of leather. Chemical companies work closely with tanneries to develop and provide customized chemical formulations to meet specific manufacturing needs. In addition to supplying chemicals, the company may also provide technical support, training, and other services to help tanneries improve their production processes and achieve better quality and more sustainable outcomes. 



Our Traders are partners who are involed in the early stages of the leather manufacture process, buying and selling raw hides or finished leather. Traders are responsible for negotiating prices and ensuring that the quality of the materials they trade meets the requirements of the tanneries and their customers. In addition, traders may work to promote sustainability in the industry by sourcing materials from ethical and environmentally responsible sources, and collaborating with organizations that support sustainable practices.

Our Traders are partners who are involed in the early stages of the leather manufacture process, buying and selling raw hides or finished leather. Traders are responsible for negotiating prices and ensuring that the quality of the materials they trade meets the requirements of the tanneries and their customers. In addition, traders may work to promote sustainability in the industry by sourcing materials from ethical and environmentally responsible sources, and collaborating with organizations that support sustainable practices.

Contributing Partners

Contributing Partners

Our contributing partners are organisations who support the process but do not have a direct input into the leather manufacture. Support services such as test houses, technology and other solution providers, training institutions, NGOs and IGOs along with leather industry associations.

Our contributing partners are organisations who support the process but do not have a direct input into the leather manufacture. Support services such as test houses, technology and other solution providers, training institutions, NGOs and IGOs along with leather industry associations.